« English is your mother tongue language »!

Comme si ce projet de recherche qui a pour objectif le développement de tests sur la « cognition sociale », soit « sur l’ensemble des compétences qui nous permettent de comprendre les autres et d’interagir avec eux », ne pouvait être en français !

Serait-ce que ce phénomène de « cognition sociale » n’existe pas en français!!!

De : Liste d’information pour le personnel <info-personnel@ulaval.ca> de la part de Recherche-Recrutement (NoReply) <Recherche-Recrutement@ULAVAL.CA>
Envoyé : 12 novembre 2018 16:01
À : info-personnel-ul@listes.ulaval.ca
Objet : Invitation à participer à une étude

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Participants recruitment – Social cognition study

We are looking for participants for a project that aims to develop better tests to evaluate social cognition. Social cognition is the skill set that allows us to understand others and to interact with them. The goal of this study is to evaluate the validity and the fidelity of three social cognition tests developed by our team. The project will also allow us to study the associations between social cognition performance, social anxiety and quality of life.

The study requires two visits of approximately 2 hours each, done 4 weeks apart. During these visits, you will have to complete different behavioural tests, for example read a series of short stories and answer questions about the characters.

The same measures will be administered during both visits. This will allow us to determine if similar answers are obtained when a same person does these tests twice. These visits will take place at the CERVO brain research center, located within the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec (2601 Chemin de la Canardière). You will receive a 50$ compensation, with 25$ given for each visit.

You could be eligible if:

– You are between 18 and 65 years old;
– English is your mother tongue language;
– You have no history of a neurological disorder or any current mental health disorder;
– You do not have a first degree relative with a psychiatric problem or a bipolar disorder.

If you are interested to participate or want more information, communicate with Alexandra Vallée at 418-663-5000 ext. 4528, or by email at labo.achim@cervo.ulaval.ca

This project has been approved by the Research Ethics Board of the CIUSSS-CN (neuroscience and mental health division) (#2017-194) and is led by the research team under the supervision of Amélie Achim.​​


Pour vous désabonner de cette liste, cliquez sur l’hyperlien suivant: http://listes.ulaval.ca/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=info-personnel-ul&A=1

Vous pouvez aussi vous désabonner en envoyant un courriel sans contenu a l’adresse suivante: info-personnel-ul-signoff-request@listes.ulaval.ca


Adresses utiles : labo.achim@cervo.ulaval.ca

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