« L’arrogance et les agressions linguistiques sont fréquentes au sein d’Air Canada, « , de déclarer le président d’Impératif français, Jean-Paul Perreault. Pour en savoir plus en français lire l’article suivant : https://www.imperatif-francais.org/bienvenu/articles/2011/air-canada-et-le-parlement-canadien.html
Ci-dessous, un extrait d’un article en anglais de Huffington Post Inside Ottawa :
Air Canada Accused Of Discriminating Against French Speakers By Language Group And Union Representative
Air Canada, which already has a reputation as a frequent violator of linguistic obligations, took another beating Tuesday when the head of a French-language group and a local union representative accused the airline of more discriminatory practices.
« The arrogance and the linguistic aggressions of Air Canada are frequent, » Jean-Paul Perreault, the president of Impératif français, told reporters Tuesday at a news conference.
« Recently, Air Canada submitted a collective agreement that is only available in English, » he said. But what’s worse, Perreault said, was the inclusion of a line stating that although collective agreements would be available in English and French six months after ratification, « for this collective agreement, the timelines for the publication of the French version is waived. »