La biodiversité concerne ce qui est bio.
Plus bien d’autres choses, parce que le bio c’est le vivant, et le vivant c’est grand.
Mais cela n’a rien à voir avec la « diversité culturelle et linguistique »!

Ci-dessous, l’invitation de "French meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the BioStrat project coordinators" à discuter de (bio)diversité en anglais seulement!

Cherchez l’erreur : discuter de (bio)diversité en anglais seulement!

L’invitation ci-dessous du "French meeting" n’est qu’en anglais!


Electronic Conference announcement:

“Biodiversity and Industry”

6th – 24th October 2008

Dear colleagues,

The organizers of the French meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the BioStrat project coordinators invite you to participate in the electronic conference “Biodiversity and Industry” which will run from the 6th – 24th October 2008. The results of this electronic conference will be presented at the EPBRS delegates meeting in Paris, France on the 17th-21st November 2008. This meeting aims to bring biodiversity experts and policy-makers together to identify the key knowledge required to deal with Biodiversity and Industry. The meeting will identify and discuss the strategic research needed when considering the economic dimension of biodiversity.

The E-conference preceding the French EPBRS meeting will focus on the following issues:

– Session I: Biodiversity and Industry: Impact evaluation and compensation mechanisms.

– Session II: Biodiversity and Industry: What ecological engineering is needed?

– Session III: Biodiverity and Industry: How to integrate biodiversity in company strategies; experiences and best practices.

You are kindly invited to subscribe to the electronic conference by filling the subscription form available at: In case of any difficulty subscribing, please e-mail Fiona Grant on Information on BioStrat e-conferences and how they function can be found by following the ‘e-conference’ link on the BioStrat website (

Note that there is no need to subscribe if you subscribed to previous BioStrat or BioPlatform e-conferences – you will automatically have access to this e-conference. If you not longer wish to be subscribed to this forum please email as soon as possible.

Further information on the e-conference will soon be made available on the following websites:
– BIOTA Cluster:
– BioStrat:

We would greatly appreciate your help in forwarding this announcement to anyone who might be interested.

Kind regards,

E-conference organizers.

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