L’Airbus français est unilingue anglais

 »English being the company’s working language »

Comment les colonisés français d’Airbus décrivent leur compagnie (sur le site
unilingue anglais d’Airbus)

Based in Toulouse, France, Airbus is an EADS joint Company with BAE
SYSTEMS, incorporated under French law as a simplified joint stock company or
“S.A.S.” (Société par Actions Simplifiée).

Airbus’ corporate culture

At least 50 different nationalities and over 20 languages are spoken among
Airbus’ 45,000 employees, English being the company’s working language. This
diversity of cultures and languages has enabled us to work with the widest
possible range of customers, by understanding their culture and speaking their

Nowhere is this more striking than at the company’s central entity in
Toulouse, where some 3,400 people from 25 different nations work together in
harmony. The spirit of intercultural and cross-functional co-operation that led
to the creation of Airbus still drives our employees, who share the same goals
and vision while retaining their individual creativity, drive and enthusiasm.

Raisonnement tordu d’Airbus

—–Original Message—–
From: Airbus Webmaster [mailto:webmaster@airbus.com
] Sent: mardi 17 juin 2003 16:22
To: aacg@netcabo.pt
Subject: Webmaster of Airbus

Thank you for your e-mail,

Airbus is a European-based international company that involves
shareholders, partners, suppliers and customers in countries around the world.

English is the standard international language for airlines and the
aerospace industry.

As English is used for all of the technical documentation, flight manuals,
communications with the airworthiness authorities and with our customers
throughout the world, our Web site also is in English.

The Webmaster

First Name: Anne
Last Name: Guedes
Work Phone:
E-mail Adresse: aacg@netcabo.pt
Company Name:
Title: site in French ?
Message: I’m sorry not to be able to understand the informations you
give on your website. Haven’t you got a French link ?

Site unilingue anglais d’Airbus :



Si la compagnie québécoise Bombardier Aéronautique peut se payer un

site Internet en français
, peut-être que la compagnie française Airbus
pourrait en faire autant.

La compagnie brésilienne Embraer a aussi la décence de s’afficher

sur la toile en portugais

Courriel d’Airbus :


Courriel du président français :


Jacques Poisson, président
Mouvement estrien pour le français

(Le 18 juin 2003)

Nous avons besoin de vous

Contribuez à Impératif français en faisant un don ou en devenant membre !