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Anger at plan to scrap German, French.
By Linda Yeung.
Polytechnic University‘s decision to scrap
German and French teaching from September has drawn a barrage of criticism
from students and trade representatives.
Paul Clercrenaud, Honorary President of the French Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, said in a letter to the Education Post that the decision showed a
lack of sensitivity toward Hong Kong’s unemployment problems.
The fact that there had not been any consultation with concerned parties
before the decision was made showed "a serious lack of transparency in
management of academic programmes", he wrote.
Students at PolyU also reacted to the decision. Many stopped to look at
media reports posted on the Democracy Wall on campus.
French and German courses that form part of the business degree’s language
studies are to be phased out. Currently, there are about 130 students
studying the two languages. Five teachers would have to leave in the next
2.5 years due to the restructuring, which department head Professor Grahame
Bilbow said was needed to cater to the strong demand for English training.
Japanese will be the only other foreign language available, but only as a
secondary focus of learning.
A second-year student in language and communication, Hayley Tam, said: "It
will be useful for students if they can learn another foreign language apart
from English."
PolyU’s student union is seeking a meeting with the department and
management to discuss the matter. It also criticised the decision.
A student studying German said her classmates were furious. "What would
employers think? Why is our programme suddenly scrapped?"
Joachim Lembach, an assistant professor whose contract ends next year, said
the foreign language students had developed a strong sense of identity and
cherished the opportunities of going abroad for internships.
PolyU has told the office of the Joint University Programme Admission System
about the change, which is expected to be relayed to prospective candidates
by the end of next month.
(Le 13 avril 2002)