(Extrait The Ottawa Citizen, page E4, le jeudi 13 janvier 2000)
Toronto.-A rift has opened up in the normally sedate community of North American
financial analysts over French-language testing in Quebec.A decision last summer by the U.S.-based body that administers the Chartered Financial
Analyst exams to no longer permit Quebec candidates to answer the questions in French has
prompted an angry response and threats of legal action."We’ve asked for a legal opinion. This thing isn’t over." said Stephane
Gagnpn, vice-president of the Montreal Society of Financial Analysts and portfolio manager
at the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, the giant pension-fund manager.Mr. Gagnon said the Association said the Association for Investment and Mangement
Research, (AIMR) based in Charlottsville, Virginia, gave as one reason for nixing the
French-language testing the possibility that Latino communities in California and Florida
could use the Quebec case as a precedent in arguing for Spanish-language examinations.In more than 100 countries, Canada has been the single exception to the test being
administered in English only. This has meant that even in France the test are not
available in French.Officials in the office of Louise Beaudoin, the Quebec minister responsible for the
french-language charter, said yesterday they needed to stydy the issue before
commenting…(Si vous désirez le reste de cet article, envoyez-moi un mot :
d.duclos@sympatico.ca )
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