Jean-Paul Perreault
Impératif français
à la lecture des extraits suivants, vous remarquerez qu’en aucun cas les journalistes,
les médias et les groupes activistes en cause ne parlent du recul du français au Canada,
de l’assimilation linguistique des francophones, du fort taux d’unilinguisme des Canadiens
anglais, du sort socio-économique peu enviable et de l’analphabétisme élevé des
francophones du Canada hors Québec, de l’épuration culturelle et linguistique et de la
minorisation continuelle dont sont victimes les francophones du Canada, etc.
Il est recommandé aux Québécois, autres francophones et francophiles à l’étranger
de répondre calmement et intelligemment aux diverses campagnes de désinformation et de
salissage de la réputation internationale du Québec, ou encore tout simplement de les
ridiculiser. Dans tous les cas, il faudra mettre en perspective la situation minoritaire
et vulnérable de la langue et de la culture d’expression française en Amérique du Nord
en regard de celle de la vaste majorité anglophone du Canada et de l’Amérique pour mieux
faire comprendre que la langue menacée en Amérique n’est nullement la langue anglaise
comme le prétendent quelques activistes extrémistes et désinformateurs en mal
d’attention et de sensation !
Voici des extraits d’articles publiés récemment dans le St. Petersburg Times de
Floride et The Montreal Gazette :
In Quebec, some take law as sign of discrimination (St Petersburg Times)
« Some English-speakers are so incensed about restrictions on their language that they
plan an ad campaign in the United States. By SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN, Times Senior
Correspondent. (…)
« Starting this week, at the peak of the Canadian tourist season, a TV ad campaign in
parts of New York and New England will urge anyone planning a visit to Quebec to boycott
stores that don’t post signs in English as well as French.
And as of Sept. 1, passengers at Dulles airport near Washington, D.C., will be greeted
by this billboard as they go through the security gates:
"BIENVENU — Welcome to the Province of Quebec, where the unrestricted use of the
English language is against the law. When visiting Quebec govern yourselves
The TV and airport ad campaign may eventually spread to Florida, which gets hundreds of
thousands of Canadian visitors every year.
"This is a civil rights movement we’re fighting," says Howard Galganov, a
Montreal radio talk show host who helped raise money for the ads. "What Americans
should really understand is that 65 miles from their (northern) border lies an
ethnocentric powder keg." » (…)
"Montreal is not a city that smells like a winner," says Galganov, the talk
show host.
« He and others trace Quebec’s relatively high unemployment rate and sluggish economy
to the 1977 Charter of the French Language, which made French the official tongue of
government, courts, public schools and businesses. Though the goal was to stem the erosion
of French culture, one result has been the exodus of dozens of corporate headquarters and
more than 400,000 English-speaking residents over the past 20 years. » (…)
« Nonetheless, a small but vocal group of English-speakers has become increasingly
aggressive in challenging the Charter of the French Language.
Among their targets: the law requiring children from French-speaking and immigrant
families to attend French public schools even if their parents want them educated in
English. (…)
Foul, cried the Equality Party, a small political organization. It has filed a
complaint with the United Nations, alleging that Quebec’s segregated school system
violates an international agreement that bans discrimination against children based on
language and other factors. »
Galganov hits U.S. airwaves : Ads call on viewers to boycott stores (KATE SWOGER, The
Montreal Gazette)
« Howard Galganov has decided to take his campaign against Quebec retailers who don’t
post English signs to the airwaves south of the border.
Galganov’s Quebec Political Action Committee, along with Cit-Can, another
English-rights lobby group, has bought ads on several NBC affiliates near the Canadian
border, calling on viewers to boycott Quebec stores without bilingual signs. » (…)
« Galganov says the goal of the American media campaign, which is costing about
$20,000, is to embarrass the provincial government. "The separatist government
absolutely abhors when the Americans get a hint of what ethno-centric nationalism is all
about in Quebec. They try to keep it very quiet and discreet," he said. » (…)
Impératif français
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