Revenu Québec multiplie les agressions linguistiques. Dans ce cas-ci, il s’agit d’abonnés à la version française de l’infolettre qui dénoncent le fait qu’on leur expédie la version anglaise.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:47 AM
Subject: Liste de diffusion : Nouvelles fiscales
We wish to inform you that the following Tax News articles have been published on our website:
- July 3, 2012 Increased Limit of the Refundable Tax Credit for the Production of Performances As It Applies to Musical Comedies
- July 6, 2012 New Identification Marks for Tobacco Products
- July 10, 2012 Important Message Regarding the QST
- July 16, 2012 Introduction of a Refundable Tax Credit Pertaining to the Costs of Issuing Shares as Part of an Initial Public Offering Under the Stock Savings Plan II
- July 26, 2012 Recognition of New Key Positions for the Purposes of the Tax Relief Available to Foreign Individuals Working on a Foreign Production
To read the articles, go to our website. (…)