Dans le texte ci-dessous en anglais seulement, son auteur confond volontairement Noël avec Christmas!

—–Message d’origine—–
De : Fred Klein [mailto:frederickaklein@yahoo.ca] Envoyé : 19 décembre 2008 17:09
À : imperatif@imperatif-francais.org
Cc : letters@thegazette.canwest.com
Objet : Christmas in French / LES EMPLETTES DE NOËL

Dear French Imperative,

Your Christmas campaign (below) https://www.imperatif-francais.org/bienvenu/articles/2008/campagne—mes-emplettes-de-noel-en-francais–.html is shockingly offensive for several reasons:

1. The notion that Christmas is celebrated only in French is patently false. Furthermore, the Catholic religion does not belong only to French-speakers and neither Jesus nor any of his disciples ever spoke French, nor did they even hear it spoken during their lives. Same thing for a vast majority of Christian saints, most of whom have never visited Quebec. Even in Quebec, Christmas is celebrated in English, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Spanish, German and many other languages–you have no business whatsoever to get involved in regulating this. I point out that the Vatican, which never authorized your campaign, organizes the Church by country, not by language. You also deny the existence of French-speakers who attend Church services in English and it is not your place nor your right to do so!

2. The spirit of your campaign is itself profoundly un-Christian and even Jews know it. You represent the Christmas spirit poorly and I would never take advice from you on any matter, the least of which, religion. Furthermore, you are not in charge of any component of the Christian faith and you should refrain from making your ill-informed comments. I suggest you read Charles Dickens to enlighten your world view.

3. As with all your previous campaigns, this campaign is racist and intolerant.
Wouldn’t French-speakers know how to celebrate Christmas on their own without your help? There are many holidays at this time of year that could be celebrated in French also, but you say not a word about them. You assume everyone in Quebec is as monotheistically Catholic as they were before the Quiet Revolution, down on their knees waiting to take orders from you. You should be held up as a laboratory specimen of an arrested culture.

"Je vis en anglais et je l’affiche!"
F Klein

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